Many of the Sacred Scriptures require us to study, thus revealing their true meaning. Today's first reading from the Acts of the Apostles reads more like a postcard from an old friend. St. Luke speaks to us directly, telling of the disciples' journey from town to town. Along the river, they meet Lydia, a worshiper of God. The passage tells us that the Lord opens her heart so that she listens to the words Paul speaks to her. Lydia and her household are baptized into the faith because Paul allows the Holy Spirit to work through him. Last week, we talked about how friends of the Lord will go out and bear fruit; that is what St. Luke shows us in the reading for today. The Spirit so emboldens Paul that he speaks the truth to strangers, and they stop to listen. Once baptized, Lydia invites the disciples into her home. We've said before that our houses are sacred spaces. By welcoming someone in, we are embracing them into a more intimate relationship with us. Lydia recognizes them as friends of the Lord, brothers in Christ, and does not hesitate to welcome them into her heart. We may have the gift of being Paul to someone, sharing the Gospel with those around us. But I find most days I relate more with being Lydia, allowing the Holy Spirit to open my heart, listening to the words of His friends, welcoming them into my home and heart.
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