Our lives should glorify the Father.
In today's gospel, we hear Jesus proclaim that His work on earth was to glorify the Father. In the first reading, Paul is about to leave for Jerusalem, where he knows they will imprison him. To this Paul says,
Yet I consider life of no importance to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24
Both Jesus and Paul show us a life lived for the glory of God. When Jesus speaks with the Father, He knows that His mission is complete because His work on earth has glorified the Father. St. Paul's powerful words are inspiring; he only wants to live if his life bears fruit for the glory of the Lord.
If our life focuses on glorifying the Father, he answers our prayers and allows us to finish the course. Where we would otherwise fail, God fills in the gaps. The knowledge that His glory is not measured in light of our human success but by how much our work glorifies Him should shape every decision we make today and every day.