Love your enemies. Today's Gospel message is so straightforward that we cannot deny what the Lord is calling us to as His followers. To be a child of our heavenly Father, we must love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. So simple yet so difficult in practice.
In the first reading, Ahab repents from his sins. He fasts, he wears sackcloth, and he humbles himself before God.
The two readings come together when we, as sinners, realize the great mercy we require.
Pride is considered the greatest sin. Why? Because a proud person is the enemy of God. He cannot admit that something is higher than himself, which keeps him from acknowledging God for who He truly is. A humble person realizes his insignificance before God and wishes to serve Him in even the smallest of things. A humble person isn't thinking of himself at all.
So while pride will hold us back from love by using others to benefit ourselves, humility increases our ability to love by offering ourselves to the benefit of others.
Humility gives us the grace to love our enemies and to pray for those who have wronged us.
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