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Sarah Beth Dippel

"Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?" Jesus speaks these words to the disciples in today's Gospel from Luke. They struggle to believe it is He; the scripture says they are startled and terrified. Just as the disciples waited three days, not knowing what the future might hold, we too are waiting, unsure of what the future holds. The risen Christ asks you today, are you troubled? Do questions arise in your hearts? My friends, the real struggle is in our hearts. Do you know that He is with you regardless of your attitude or situation? Do you witness with your life that you believe he has paid our debts with His own body and blood to conquer sin and death? The battle has been won. You are witnesses. Let us live the by the words of today's Communion Antiphon:

O Chosen people, proclaim the mighty works of Him who calls you out of darkness into His wonderful light, alleluia.
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