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Sarah Beth Dippel

Today is Good Friday, the day we celebrate our Lord's Passion and death. Recently, I heard today referred to as Black Friday. It gave me pause. Black? Today is Good; it is indeed far more than Good; it is unbelievable goodness. Today we recall that Jesus, our Lord, our King, our Savior laid down His life for sinful, fallen, and unworthy souls.

The Eucharist and the Cross are the biggest stumbling blocks of our faith because they contain the mystery of Jesus' life, a call to lay down one's life for others. The laying down of Jesus' life for you and me is not merely a gift; he dies to live and give life. The greatest gesture in the history of salvation, on the cross we see our Father's love and mercy for us, his children. Through His death on the cross, our God rescues us. He saves us from death without our asking and without our deserving it. When He has to prove that He loves us, nothing costs Him too dearly.

"Behold the wood of the Cross on which hung the salvation of the world." #livinglent2

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