Laetare is a Latin word that means "rejoice." Cris and I streamed live Mass from Lake Charles, Louisiana this morning. It was lovely to see Bishop Provost in his rose-colored vestments. And what an inspiring homily! The good Bishop is correct; God does indeed have a plan in all of this.
Today, on the fourth Sunday of Lent, the restrictions on flowers and music are relaxed. Allowing for a more joyful celebration as our anticipation of the resurrection of the Lord grows. Easter is drawing near. It may feel like this will be the Lent that never ends. In my worst nightmares, I wouldn't have imagined a Lent where we, as Catholics, gave up the sacraments. And while the lack of sacraments may continue into the Easter season. Today, let us remember, Lent is half-over, and Easter is drawing near. We have much to be joyful about; the Lord has a plan. #livinglent2