On Divine Mercy Sunday we hear the words from the Gospel of John, Jesus has appeared to the disciples as a group for the first time and the first words He says to them are, 'Peace be with you." Then John tells us He breathes on them and says, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them."
Jesus has given the disciples and The Church, the great work of bringing Divine Mercy into the world. The Rite for the Reconciliation of Individual Penitents begins with the sign of the cross followed by priest speaking these words to the penitent:
May God, who has enlightened every heart, help you to know your sins and trust in his mercy.
After the penitent makes their confession, the priest will offer a prayer of absolution within that prayer are the words: may God give you pardon and peace.
The Lord wishes to pour out His Divine Mercy upon all people.

In 2000 when Pope John Paul II canonized St. Faustina, he proclaimed that the Second Sunday of Easter would henceforth be known as Divine Mercy Sunday. Pope John Paul II was dedicated to sharing the message of what he called the "inconceivable and unfathomable mystery of God's mercy." At his dedication of the Divine Mercy Shrine, he gave these words of hope, "Like Saint Faustina, we wish to proclaim that apart from the mercy of God, there is no other source of hope for mankind. We desire to repeat with faith: Jesus, I trust in you!"